Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Little Goblin That Could...Not?

No idea why, but I got an urge to play Dungeon Defenders again.  I wiped my save data to start fresh, and it's been fun learning everything again.  There are some painful moments (RNG screw, cheaters, ENEMY HEALERS), but there's fun to be had.

Like yesterday!  I wanted to get some levels and goodies, so I was messing around with survival mode.  I went with hard difficulty, hardcore on.  Come wave 8, things went to shit.  I got a bit too greedy, died, and watched as some of my defenses failed.  One of my crystals came under attack, and I couldn't defend it.  Game over, then.

But, wait!  Only one enemy was left to attack: a goblin, the weakest of the entire bunch.  He'd be hammering away for quite a bit.  I grumbled to my spouse about all the money and gear I'd be losing, then got ready to quit.

"Well, wait a sec," he said.  "The goblin could die if it takes too long to destroy the crystal.  The game might count it as being stuck."

I argued that the goblin was actually attacking the crystal, which counted as doing something.  But, I decided to wait it out.  Twang, twang, twang went the goblin's club on the crystal.  Down, down, down went the crystal's health. Three hits left.  Two hits left.  One....

And then he waddled away.

"What the FUCK?!" I screamed, right before my spouse and I burst into laughter.  Figuring the goblin decided to target the other crystal (for some reason), I kept the camera on him.  But, he didn't even try to go that way.  Where the hell was he going?

No.  He couldn't be.  No WAY.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!  YOU HAD THIS!"  More laughter, more wondering what happened, how and why it happened.  And after smashing at my turret a few times, the goblin did drop dead.  Of course, I got slaughtered next wave; however, I did snag a few goodies I would've missed had I quit.

I guess this is another "don't ever give up" story.  And another "Devs, please fix that" story.

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